
Showing posts from August, 2015

Assessing James Hook ahead of RWC 2015

Back in 2006 whilst on my pre university jaunt, known more commonly as the ‘gap ya’, I stopped by in Melbourne to take in the Commonwealth Games. My foremost memory of the event, other than the devastated reaction of local fans as an Aussie boxing man was KO’d 3 seconds before the end of a bout he had in the bag, was Wales winning some form of kitchenware (bowl or plate) in the Rugby sevens. With Google seemingly unable to assist, I’m going to have to back my memory and say that the winning try scorer in the final was a young James Hook. What I can say with certainty was that Hook, Wales’ playmaker, was the stand out player. The time Hook had on the ball and his ability to beat a defender convinced me that I was watching a guy who would not only go on to represent Wales in the XV man format but would be world class in doing so. Fast forward some nine years and Hook was removed from the Millenium Stadium pitch midway through the second half of Wales’ World Cup warm up match...